Question about the problem of rapists in the modern days.


Dear Maharaj

this question is direct and regarding current situation. I feel that there are two new major problems indian society is facing today, besides several other problems inherant to it : terrorists and rapists.

Not much to talk about terrorists as it is not an individual problem…but for the other one, i feel everybody should feel. i feel it in a sense of urgency. everybody have women households — mother, sisters, daughters — and India was known for its culture of not keeping lustful eye on each and every women — that seems to have changed. i have read Swamiji\’s works and miss him a lot. where is that inspiration in our generations. recently there are so many incidences that, i and many of my friends are fearful going out even with family members. even the so called agitators against it, keep immoral video clips in their mobiles.

what can be done about this..our police and government seems to be helpless or lack of motivation. the youth doesnt want to listen to moral advices, the society is agitating against some events — but keeps their backdoor open to indulge in such activity, and few good men who may be wellwisher — are finding themselves weak. if there are so many spiritual people in India, why eve-teasers and rapists are not being stopped before they do such things…how could be a person be spiritual unless he stands up for what is true, good and respectful?

this is my question.. and since i have felf pain due to these circumstances, i feel a need to find a right answer to it. just feeling pain for others is useless- even in terms of practical vedanta — if we can\’t do anything about it. and on the other hand — we don\’t have to be victims ourselves in order to be active.

please guide me


Dear ________,


We are happy to know that you are thinking about the welfare of the society.

According to our Great Rishis up to Swami Vivekananda, the solution for all problems of humanity is “manifesting our Inner Divinity”. When we recognize the Inner Divinity, which is the same in every human being, how a person can insult or misbehave with other human?. As long as Money, Sense pleasures and greediness are the goals of a society, all these social evils are bound to exist. How can we expect peace and love, wherein selfish interests are running riot. The men of renunciation and character must be produced more and more if any society wants to be happy and peaceful.

Please read this letter written by Swami Vivekananda to his disciple Sister Nivedita.


My ideal indeed can be put into a few words and that is: to preach unto mankind their divinity and how to make it manifest in every movement of life.

This world is in chain of superstition. I pity the oppressed, whether man or woman, and I pity more the oppressors.

One idea that I see clear as daylight is that misery is caused by ignorance and nothing else. Who will give the world light? Sacrifice in the past has been the Law, it will be, alas, for ages to come. The earth’s bravest and best will have to sacrifice themselves for the good of many, for the welfare of all. Buddhas by the hundred are necessary with eternal love and pity.

Religions of the world have become lifeless mockeries. What the world wants is character. The world is in need of those whose life is one burning love, selfless. That love will make every word tell like thunderbolt.

It is no superstition with you, I am sure, you have the making in you of a world-mover, and others will also come. Bold words and bolder deeds are what we want. Awake, awake, great ones! The world is burning with misery. Can you sleep? Let us call and call till the sleeping gods awake, till the god within answers to the call. What more is in life? What greater work? The details come to me as I go. I never make plans. Plans grow and work themselves. I only say, awake, awake!

May all blessings attend you for ever!

Yours affectionately,


Feeling for the fellow human being is a good sign and if you have that it is by the blessings of the Lord. While preserving that feeling in your heart prepare yourself and wait for the opportunity to convert the feeling into genuine service activities.

To have this Philosophy of Service and Discovery of Inner Divinity in our life, we should at first be pure and moral. Past history of the world proves that, a man of Character and Spirituality alone can help/serve the society. So please study Swami Vivekananda’s life and teachings. It will certainly help you in moulding your character. Be good and help others also to be good.

If you need more personal guidance, please come to our Math on any day during 9a.m. to 12 noon & 4p.m. to 6.p.m. and meet the sadhus.

With prayers for your wellbeing,

Yours in service,

Next Question

i am trying to get an answer that may lead me out of my present situation. I have read most of Swamiji’s work and that has had a positive impact. But i have noticed that that impact is only in the domain of increasing sensitivity.

what i mean is i have noticed that my sensitivity for pain and difficulties in this world in general has increased. i feel it is virtue to feel for others. probably that is what could be a first step in practical vedanta. but how to deal with that intense pain that comes. Especially the pain that comes after seeing somebody victimized or many suffering, by an action of humans, and directly or indirectly we are also part of the same system. how to deal with that pain…i can’t do anything about that.

this feeling doesnot necessarily translate in to will for good work. may be because of the habit of becoming weak…how to improve that? and where to find supportive strong willed people who are enthusistically doing good work?



Happy to read your mail.

Feeling for the suffering people is a sign of good heart. Fortunately, by the blessings of the Lord, you have that. While preserving that feeling in your heart prepare yourself for the Lord’s command in transforming that feeling into genuine service activities.

Preparation should be in the form of going beyond the sentiments, emotions and anxieties. Pure life by following the moral values in our personal life is the first and foremost step in this preparation. When you become free from selfish motives like achieving name and fame through these service activities, then and then alone, Lord will make you as His instrument in serving the society. A man who is beyond his “likes and dislikes” and who has made his life “with DO’s AND DON’Ts” is a fit person to serve the society.

Swami Vivekananda founded our “Ramakrishna Math and Mission” with the twin ideals “For ones own Personal liberation (from the fetters of his individuality) and For the service of the Humanity”. He also gave the road map to achieve this great ideal. Our Organization is serving this society for the last 110 years, keeping this ideal.

Service is not an action of charity. In charity the giver is in the upper hand. But in Service the Receiver is in upper hand. The receiver is considered as a manifestation of the Lord himself, whom the giver wants to attain in his life. So the giver always serves the Lord (who is in the form of the receiver) with all devotion and humility. Through this devoted service, we get the blessings of the Lord through which, we discover our Inner Divinity.

To have this Philosophy of Service and Discovery of Inner Divinity in our life, we should at first be pure and moral. So please study Swami Vivekananda’s life and teachings. It will certainly help you in moulding your character. A man of character only can help/serve the society.

If you need more personal guidance, please come to our Math on any day during 9a.m. to 12 noon & 4p.m. to 6.p.m. and meet the sadhus.

With prayers for your wellbeing,

Yours in service,