Is there prayer which I should do, so that it helps my son being bachelor in his life serves society better?

Question: My son is doing his PHD in U.S. He is very firm that he does not want to get married; he wants to serve the humanity later on. Is there any shloka (verse) which he could recite daily so that it helps him to remain as a bachelor and do what he has decided to do in his life.

Answer: 1. Please ask him to read the Ramakrishna-Vivekananda and Vedanta Literature.

2. He can daily recite Lalita Sahasranama and Devi Mahatmyam, etc.

3. Ask him to offer sincere prayers to the Lord.

4. It is better to choose a Guru and take initiation or Mantra Deeksha of his Chosen Deity and practice regularly as per the instructions of his Guru.