Significance of applying kunkum/Vibhooti, Brahmacharya – Cold bath, good food habits

Question: A priest in a temple told me that we should apply Kumkuma and Vibhuti to our forehead before worshiping or doing Japa. What is the use of applying such things to forehead ? Why is a person following Bramhacharya (celibacy) advised to take cold bath ? In the books – ‘Youth and Vitality’ by Swami Purushottamananda, and ‘Youth Arise Awake & Know Your Strength’ by Swami Srikanatananda, we are advised to have good food habits. What should be eaten and what should be avoided ?

Answer: Vibhuti or Kumkuma or Chandana is offered to the deity uttering several (108, or 1008) spiritually charged mantras. So it is considered holy. It is kept in a box and devotees apply it on their forehead everyday thinking that it is the prasada of the deity. That is one of the ways of remembering the Lord or Divine Mother. When you apply, it signifies that you belong to a particular community, say Shakta or Shaiva or Vaishnava. These are the main ideas. There may be other ideas also.

A Brahamacharin (celibate) is asked to take cold water bath because that keeps the nerves cool. Anything hot excites the nerve. Cold water bath is a part of Tapasya or austerity which a Brahmachari is expected to practise. Cold water bath helps him to practise Brahmacharya. Eat that food which does not excite your nerves. Eat that food which is Satvik and avoid Tamasik food. If you read Bhagavad Gita (16th Chapter), what food to be taken and what should be avoided is mentioned.