How to overcome anger and jealousy?

Question: How to overcome anger and jealousy? Even though I feel both these are bad tendencies they arise now and then. Once these tendencies arise in the mind it is not possible to think or do anything useful . I have found some benefit from self analysis. I wold like to have your valuable advice since it sometimes affects me very badly.

Answer: Anger and jealousy are like enemy for a person. It cannot be conquered in one day. But, it can be done by sincerely praying to God and also loving others instead of hating them. We should always remember that we get what we deserve and it does not serve any purpose by being jealous of other’s prosperities. Instead, if we can feel happy by other’s progress also, then only we can be friendly with all and be happy for ourselves. No doubt it is difficult to practise, but if we sincerely try, it will be possible.

Response to above Answer: Thanks for your reply. “We should always remember that we get what we deserve” I have come across this in Swamiji’s books quite often and that is the sentence which used to answer most often the query that used to arise in my mind” Why should this happen to me?” But Mother Sharada’s words also gives me lot of support. “Whenever you are in distress think that your mother is there with you.” I see the Divine mother in my own mother. She is also a devotee of the Holy Mother.Mother Sharada also says that repitition of God’s name can bring down the fruits of karma. Is mechanical repitition of use. Will it give us devotion. To be frank the way most of the time I repeat God’s name I feel after some time it becomes mechanical repetition? Is this normal. Being a person with book knowledge my mind some times revolts against this. It says this is not devotion. Some where in Mother’s gospel I have read that even mechanical repetition helps to calm the mind. Is this true. Also Shri Ramakrishna’s words that ” Beware of women and gold”, as a householder sometimes I feel there is no escape from both. I the midst of this materialistic world what do you advise a householder like me. Some times I feel it is a duty of a house holder to keep something for the children. Is that not attachment to gold? Some times it is quite confusing. That is the time when I drop everything and leave everything to His grace. You deserve what you get.!!!. I sincerely beg your pardon if I have wasted your valuable time. Praying for Sri Ramkrishna’s blessings

Reply to the above Response: Your statement on Swamiji is correct. He himself elaborates it later. Whatever we are destined according to our past actions, we are bound to get it. That nobody can stop. Nor we get anything more than we deserve, even if someone wants to give. The world goes on on the perfect theory of Karma.
As per the Mother’s teachings of repetition of Lord’s name, one starts with mechanically but slowly it turns to love. The repetition of Lord’s name has a tremendous power, which can no doubt reduce the force of bad Karma.
Sri Ramakrishna has never said, Women and Gold have to be totally given up for a householder. In fact he says, after having two or three children, the husband & wife should live like brother and sister. As regards earning, he says that earning money is not bad, but it should be earned in a right manner.
Sincerely pray to Sri Ramakrishna & He will definitely guide you in the right path