Category Archives: FAQs

Selection from previously asked Question and respective Answers

How to work in this competitive world according to teachings of Swami Vivekananda?

Question: Actually, one question is haunting me since so many days but I have not been able to get a clear solution. It is, I am very much inspired by the ideas of Swamiji, Thakur and Sri Sri Maa, and I want to mould my life according to their teachings. I was formally initiated by The Present President, Swami Ranganathanadaji Maharaj four years back and since then I am trying to practise the austerities sincerely. I am 26 years old , single, and working in a global software consultancy firm. My question is it good to give importance to one’s career or should one be careeristic? I take interest in my job but I am not at all interested to give all my efforts, time and energy to my career. But then, in such a competitive environment one has to strive to be the best otherwise one will just not survive. But also I am fully convinced that the worldy persuits are vague and temporary. And by going through the teachings of Thakur, Maa and Swamiji I am convinced of the goal of our life. so, should one take renunciation in order to achive the actual goal of our life? OR can one remain in the mainstream, do secular work and still practice the teachings of the great Masters? IN A NUTSHELL, how should I mould my lfe according to the teachings of Swamiji and thus channelize all my thoughts and activities to become A TRUE MAN ? I hope I have made myself clear.
For your information, I am in touch with the center at Mumbai, but I felt that I can discuss my question openly through this platform.

Answer: Most of the people mistake the concept of the Karma Yoga. Of course, even Arjuna was confused. Krishna has clarified it beautifully in the 2nd & 3rd Chapters of Bhagavad Gita. I wish you read it. Specially the book written by Swami Ranganathanandaji Maharaj. Now, whether one is spiritual or materialistic, he has to put his whole mind to the work. This is called as dexterity in work by Lord Krishna. Suppose, you just imagine, that you are directing an aeroplane which is flying in the sky by sitting in the air station below, through your computer. At that time, if the thought enters in your mind that this world is temporary, I need not put my whole concentration to it & you guide in a negligent way. What will be the fate of the people? You have to work hard & with full concentration, but, at the same time you should be detached in mind. It is a very high stage & an ideal stage.
The best way to mould your life is – perform your duty in the best possible manner and at the same time spend enough time to spiritual practices also. It also requires a good moral & ethical life. Read Swamiji’s (Swami Vivekananda’s) works as much as possible & I am sure it will help you to mould your life in the best manner

How to overcome anger and jealousy?

Question: How to overcome anger and jealousy? Even though I feel both these are bad tendencies they arise now and then. Once these tendencies arise in the mind it is not possible to think or do anything useful . I have found some benefit from self analysis. I wold like to have your valuable advice since it sometimes affects me very badly.

Answer: Anger and jealousy are like enemy for a person. It cannot be conquered in one day. But, it can be done by sincerely praying to God and also loving others instead of hating them. We should always remember that we get what we deserve and it does not serve any purpose by being jealous of other’s prosperities. Instead, if we can feel happy by other’s progress also, then only we can be friendly with all and be happy for ourselves. No doubt it is difficult to practise, but if we sincerely try, it will be possible.

Response to above Answer: Thanks for your reply. “We should always remember that we get what we deserve” I have come across this in Swamiji’s books quite often and that is the sentence which used to answer most often the query that used to arise in my mind” Why should this happen to me?” But Mother Sharada’s words also gives me lot of support. “Whenever you are in distress think that your mother is there with you.” I see the Divine mother in my own mother. She is also a devotee of the Holy Mother.Mother Sharada also says that repitition of God’s name can bring down the fruits of karma. Is mechanical repitition of use. Will it give us devotion. To be frank the way most of the time I repeat God’s name I feel after some time it becomes mechanical repetition? Is this normal. Being a person with book knowledge my mind some times revolts against this. It says this is not devotion. Some where in Mother’s gospel I have read that even mechanical repetition helps to calm the mind. Is this true. Also Shri Ramakrishna’s words that ” Beware of women and gold”, as a householder sometimes I feel there is no escape from both. I the midst of this materialistic world what do you advise a householder like me. Some times I feel it is a duty of a house holder to keep something for the children. Is that not attachment to gold? Some times it is quite confusing. That is the time when I drop everything and leave everything to His grace. You deserve what you get.!!!. I sincerely beg your pardon if I have wasted your valuable time. Praying for Sri Ramkrishna’s blessings

Reply to the above Response: Your statement on Swamiji is correct. He himself elaborates it later. Whatever we are destined according to our past actions, we are bound to get it. That nobody can stop. Nor we get anything more than we deserve, even if someone wants to give. The world goes on on the perfect theory of Karma.
As per the Mother’s teachings of repetition of Lord’s name, one starts with mechanically but slowly it turns to love. The repetition of Lord’s name has a tremendous power, which can no doubt reduce the force of bad Karma.
Sri Ramakrishna has never said, Women and Gold have to be totally given up for a householder. In fact he says, after having two or three children, the husband & wife should live like brother and sister. As regards earning, he says that earning money is not bad, but it should be earned in a right manner.
Sincerely pray to Sri Ramakrishna & He will definitely guide you in the right path

What is the meaning and significance of namaskar?

Question: One question – is that right that when you do NAMASKAR gesture (both hands together in the praying position) you say NAMASTE (I salute to the sun that is in me and in you)? I asked you this because sometimes people do not know what really means Namaste and Namaskar, or it is may be just different pronounciation?

Answer: The word ‘Namaste’, in Sanskrit, contains two words: ‘Namah’ and ‘te’. ‘te’ – means ‘to you’. ‘Namah’ – means ‘salutations’. It usually implies, I bow down to the God within you. The same is done when one addresses God directly. Primarily, it is done to erase our ego. Invariably, our psychology is that others should recognise me as great & they should respect. That is, we have the superiority complex. By doing this, we shall be effacing our ego and become humble, which is a primary condition for Spiritual Progress. The word ‘Namaskar’ also means the same thing.

What does love mean and play a part in each of four Yogas?

Question: I am really and truly happy to come to know Indian profound wisdom of Vedanta, especially the teaching of Sri Ramakrishna and his disciples. By the way I have some questions on Vedanta. I will be very glad if you answer them. I am forty years old man and married.
What does love mean and play a part in each of four Yogas?

Answer: I am happy to know your interest in the Vedanta. I wish you read the four Yogas by Swami Vivekananda, which will give you a clear idea. It is too difficult to explain in such a small letter. However, first of all you have to get the concept of the word ‘Love’ used in these four Yogas.
In the Bhakti Yoga, it is easy to understand the concept of love. It is pure love towards God, without any expectation. To give a small example, it is just as the mother’s love towards the new born baby. We can say it is love for love’s sake. If such a love can be developed towards God, it definitely brings infinite grace on you.
In Karma Yoga, it is performing all our actions with the spirit of dedicating the fruits of action to the Lord. Or, it is our love towards Him that makes us work for the well being of all.
In Jnana Yoga, it is the idea that the whole world is nothing but the manifestation of God. So, to love all the beings is loving God. In this case, not much of differentiation is made between God and His beings.
In the Raja Yoga, it is almost like Bhakti Yoga. There the love is towards the personal God. Or, it may also mean to feel the divine in our heart by raising the power of Kundalini. When one gets the vision of the Divine, then his heart will be filled with love & bliss.

Response to the above Answer: I have received your reply. I am deeply grateful to you for your kindness. And I have another question. I will be very glad if you answer it.
I am deeply impressed with the idea of strength Swami Vivekananda often emphasizes. What is the meaning of strength in Advaita Vedanta and what should I do in my everyday life in order to be strong?

Reply to the above Response: There are three types of strength mentioned in our scriptures – for the holistic development of a person. All these three types of strength are necessary.
These are – 1. Physical Strength, 2. Mental Strength,
3. Spiritual Strength.
They are called in Sanskrit as –
1. Baahu Balam,
2. Mano Balam,
3. Aatma Balam, respectively.
Swamiji (Swami Vivekananda) always meant these three things wherever he refers to fearlessness. But, to acquire this, we have to be very pure & truthful. The fear comes because we don’t hold to truth strictly.
Gandhiji is a great example for his fearlessness because, he valued truth at most.

RESPONSE to the Above REPLY : I am grateful to you for your answer from the bottom of my heart. Although spiritual ideal in vedanta seems to be very high to me, I am going to put the great priciples of vedanta,especially what Swami Vivekananda exhorts into practice in my daily life as possible as I can. I am always looking forward to seeing your wonderful and helpful website.

Should I renounce or not ? – Question by a medicine student

Question: respected gurujis, please answer my questions sir, i am in a sort of philosophical crisis after for about 3-4 years tryst with spirituality i feel the want for nirvaana (though might sound selfisf) should i renounce the world to attain it. my istha is lord krishns and i love him. do only monks attain moksha. though it may be called maya i feel a responsibility to look after my mother (especialls since she has done so much for me and totally loves me ) and i feel lord krishna has given me all these to look after and i have to do it. but doing so do i again become materialistic i am caught in an intense debate- to renounce or not to renounce. if all monks attain the supreme goal even i want it but do ihave the strength to renounce and give up my prescribed duty or is it better to do my duty. i am a 2nd year mbbs student and becaues of this debate my studies have suffered I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO please advice me and give me a blueprint of how i should lead my life to reach krishna should i just accept evrything as the wish of krishana (even ma studying medicine and becoming a doctor) and work or become a monk – please reply very very urgently because unless this is solved i just cannot do anything- not even do my basic duty of studies pleasse….. answer back to *******@*******.com

Answer: Please let me have your full address so that if there is any centre of ours nearby, I shall direct you to go & meet the Swami there, so that you can know things in detail. Don’t get confused in mind, your first duty is to complete your medical graduation. By that time, you will be quite mature and also you can decide what life to take over. For the present, don’t think of renouncing anything. Pray to Lord Krishna whole heartedly and also serve your mother. If one is sincere, he can see Lord Krishna, either being a good devotee or a monk. It is not exclusively meant for anybody. In life, duty stands first and for the present, the duty of a student is to study well. Lead a good & clean life. Pray sincerely & read good books, when you find time.

Response to the Answer: thank you for your advice, found much solace after many months. i reside at Basavaswarnagar.

Reply to the above Response: You have written that you are at Basavaswarnagar. I don’t know if it is at Bangalore. If so, you can kindly come someday so that we can discuss further. You may take an appointment before coming here by telephone.

Response to above Reply: I live in bangalore sir surly after my exams i will be coming to meet you .please mould my spiritual life so that my fickle mind does not hither and tither and firmly stands in bhakthi .lookinn forward yo our meeting.

How can I serve people? A question by an engineering student

Question: I am an engineering student. I want to excel in this field. I am impressed by exhortations of Swami vivekananda. He says that youth of this country must do something to improve the conditions of the downtrodden and poor people. How can I serve the same purpose ? I do not think that continuing in my profession will in any way improve the conditions of the downtrodden. I think about it. I can’t concentrate. Hence I am not able to perform well in my academics. Please advise. ***** ******, ****.

Answer: My Dear ****** ******, I am happy to know your interest in listening to the words of Swami Vivekananda. At the outset give your whole mind to the studies, so that you will be able to do justice. Excelling is not very difficult. As the proverb goes – “A genius is 90% perspiration & 10% inspiration.” If you can concentrate fully in your studies, you will be definitely able to do well. You will have plenty of time & opportunity to serve the poor & downtrodden once you start earning money.

How to meditation (sadhana) according to advaita vedanta?

Question: I have been going through your useful site quite sometime and found it extremely useful. from young i am much focused in formless god . also I am much impressed by advaita vedanta. Now the problem is I find great difficulty in meditation as i do not have any ‘ istham’. how am I to proceed? I feel as if caught between mid-heavens. should I try to cultivate devotion on any istham ? if not how to proceed with formless meditation ? I am very worried if I would waste this birth with these confusions. can you please help me?

Answer: My Dear ********, You write that you are fascinated by formless aspect of the God. If so, the question now – Ishhtam – does not arise at all. You should have full faith & confidence in feeling yourself as all pervading Brahman. That is what “Aham Brahmaasmi”, refers to. Follow the “Neti” (Not this, Not this)path & go on discriminating & rejecting everything as unreal. In your meditation, do Vichara or discrimination and get more & more established in the Advaitic thought of “Aham Brahmaasmi”, I am Brahman. This also needs the Scriptural study, which confirms this truth. I wish you make a thorough study of Shankaracharya’s Viveka Chudamani.
From the e-mail I am unable to find out, your address. If I know where you are staying, I shall suggest you to get a copy of it from the nearest centre, if you do not already possess it. However, I wish you all success in your endeavor.

12th standard exams time

Question: Sir I am a student in Mumbai, studying in 12th. My exams are coming near, but I can not study as I am more into performing arts like dance. Please help me to do good in my exams. Thank you.

Answer: My Dear ***** ****, You are now in the 12th standard and the Examination is very near. No doubt your favorite art is very interesting, but, this examination alone decides your future. All your friends will go for higher studies and different fields, whereas you will be left behind. Taking all these into consideration, give rest to your arts, for sometime and put your whole mind to the studies. Take some private tuition, if needed. But, determine to do well in the examination. Wish you all the best

Why do we have to face problems of bad actions?

Question : We all say that what we are doing is ultimately because GOD wants us to do that, all good and bad whatever we do that is because of will of GOD. Means if we do something wrong, behind that also ultimately GOD was there, then why should we get convicted for that guilty, and we have to face the problems for that guilty?

Answer: All these statements have a philosophy behind which you have to think over carefully. Just as production of bad actions are of God, the results also belong to Him. Conviction also naturally belong to the God. He who does good, will be rewarded and the other punished for his guilt.

Know more about Swami Vivekananda, guidance and books in Mumbai

Question: Hello sir, I am a student from Mumbai. I don’t actually have any problem. I just read a biography of swamiji. I am really fascinated. It’s so difficult to understand him. I want to know that where can I go & know more about him & read more books on him & in some way or the other try to follow his teachings.

Answer: I am happy you are fascinated by reading Swami Vivekananda. We have a center at Khar, Mumbai, India, and their address is:

                Ramakrishna Math & Ramakrishna Mission
                Ramakrishna Mission Marg
                12th Road, Khar (West), MUMBAI 400 052
                Phones: 022-649-4760 & 646-4363, 600-7176
                Hospital: 648-4119. Fax: 022-604-8568

You may talk to Swami Debarupanandaji. He will be able to guide you further. Fix an appointment before meeting him. You may write back to me after the meeting.